Thursday, August 17, 2006

I am a scrapbooking momma!

You know, I don't know about you but I have become a collector. Oh shoot, become would imply that this is new to me....well it's not.

I believe I may have a compulsive disorder that doesn't allow me to move forward with something until everything that leads up to the actual act of scrapbooking is perfect. Does that make sense?

We moved into our new home last May (2005) and with it I have my own home office/scrapbook room. It's a good size room. I have yet to actually scrap a page in it.

Why? Well, I keep putting up obstacles for myself and my creativity by making these excuses in my head...oh I need this or I need that. It has more to do with not being able to find anything in it.

So, the last 2 weeks I have sorted and purged...there is still much more to go...

I have taken the first baby steps though towards getting the scrapbook room together. I have a designated work space and designated scrap space. I have tons of storage and actually placed shelves on the wall all by myself! I have many stamps and stamp pads for scrapping that I have purchased several old (vintage) spice racks to use...I want to paint them white and shabby-chic-ify them before I put them up though. See what I mean?

I have some other things too to put on the wall to store the frequently used items...or in my case...what I THINK I might use frequently since I haven't made time to use it.

Pathetic isn't it?