Monday, August 21, 2006


I have a large desk in my home office. I purchased it years ago for a song from Kaiser. They sold off their old furniture and I benefitted from it (Thanks Mom!)

My husband has painfully moved this beast from Fullerton to Oceanside, Oceanside to LA, LA to Oceanside, Oceanside to San Marcos... It is a BEAST! It's huge and is just exceptionally heavy.

Instead of having my step-dad make a counter top for me, I decided to use what I have. Once I use what I have efficienctly, then I will see if I truly need a counter top or is it just a "want". Since I decided this I wanted to do something to the desk to make it more inviting...something more Shabby Chic instead of just shabby.

Decoupage seemed to be the best answer...I used a gel medium form Golden...and tomorrow I will stipple a tinted glaze on it (blue tinted) and then put a sealer on it. Then, polyurethane the drawer faces to make it durable.

I have to say, I am thrilled with the results so far. I will share photos as soon as I locate my camera. I was dragging my feet about it not sure how to get started...once I did....I was unstoppable! I completed 5 drawer fronts in about an hour...and I am just thrilled with it.

Check back soon for photos. :)
